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Monday, March 10, 2008

Endurance Training

Since I missed las weeks training walk I was determined to get in a walk of some kind this past weekend. It was going to be a short walk around the neighborhood. I was hoping for a walk around 3 miles long but with the encouragement of the small children and the chilling wind the walk was shortened a bit.

According to our Sunday afternoon stroll came to about 2.33 miles of rolling sidewalks. It was windy and only 46 degrees! Making the walk a bit more challenging I pushed tandem stroller, not one of those fancy jogging strollers, over hilly sidewalks with lots of dips for driveways. showed I did a lot of elevation changes and my legs are confriming it. The stroller was loaded with waters, snacks, and 2 kids with estimated total weight of 75 pounds. I calculate I was pushing nearly 100 pounds. If I keep training while pushing the kids the walk itself will be a piece of cake.

The kids were kept busy snacking on Gold Fish and on the look out for spring flowers. They found crocuses and daffodils. Kids would prefer shorter warmer walks but seemed to enjoy checking out everyone’s gardens.


Jen said...

I didn't know MapmyRun could measure elevation as well. How cool!

Merrily said...

The bottom blue bar below the map has an option to show elevation. It's great for planning a walk or seeing why the muscles are so sore afterwards. :)