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Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Welcome, everyone, to the Team MBA Avon Walk for Breast Cancer training blog! I hope this will give our team an easy and accessible way to inspire and support each other over the next 7+ weeks of training.

Our goal is simple and reflects one of the core values of the Graduate Management Admission Council:


We will each give back to the management education community. We will each support causes that are greater than ourselves and through this commitment will yield a result far greater than any one of us alone could achieve.

Every three minutes, another American is diagnosed -- every 14 minutes, another life is lost to this disease. By raising funds and walking to show our commitment to and support for this cause, we are working to be the change we want to see in the world.

Teammates, please use this site to share your training tips, tricks, trials, and triumphs. Post our blog address ( on your donation site so your supporters can be a part of the team. (Instructions to followvia e-mail.)

Visitors, please consider supporting us in this endeavor. Our team site will show you how far we've come, and how far we still have to go.

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