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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A mile in my [NEW] shoes...

<---- Evidence.

Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to get new running shoes...after I walked 12ish miles in my inferior sneakers and found myself sore in places you can only stretch with the aid of petroleum jelly and a friendly Scandinavian.

The guys at Metro Run & Walk were very friendly and super helpful. I didn't know you could still find stores where someone would shoe and de-shoe you -- isn't that part of some long-lost Breakfast-at-Tiffany's sort of tradition? I could get used to it!

Also, it turns out you can save more money by being less fashionable. True to form, I preferred last year's style to the current model, saving me 20% of the cost. Oh, yeah...that's me. I'm no slave to fashion. :)

Before anyone gets concerned, I did try them on with socks, and I will wear them with socks -- and they are a half size larger than my usual size. This is the post-shopping, pre-bedtime photo op in 10-year-old sweats. (See above: no slave to fashion.)

1 comment:

Merrily said...

Congrats! It is amazing how a good pair of shoes can make the miles go by a little easier.