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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mount Vernon donor

I'd like to record this for anyone who didn't get to walk with us on Saturday. (I'm pretty sure everyone else heard me tell the story somewhere along the way.)

When we were close to Fort Hunt, Nicole, our fearless leader, suggested that we walk all the way to Mount Vernon before turning around. We reached Mount Vernon and went straight to the Food Court, looking for restrooms and more water. Nicole and I parked ourselves on some benches outside the gift shop and tried to stretch -- it turns out it's mostly uphill all the way to Mount Vernon. Who knew?

An older lady sitting next to me said she was visiting from another state and seeing the sites with friends, and I shared that we were at the turnaround point for a training walk. When she learned what event we were training for, she handed me a dollar and told me to put it toward the cause -- she's a 10-year breast cancer survivor.

Some other words of advice from this lovely contributor:

* If you have a mammogram and they tell you you're okay but you still find a lump at home, get back in there and have them check again.

* Walking is good for you. When you get older, your doctor will tell you to walk.
[So keep it up, ladies! ;)]

I'm not sure there's an efficient way to contribute that dollar to the team total. Unless someone tells me how to make that happen, I'm going to pin it to my shirts during the walk in her honor.

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